G-Eazy: When It's Dark Out Tour

My First show of 2016 was ironically the same artist that I shot first in 2015. I traveled to New York last weekend with hopes of shooting one of three sold out shows. I was originally approved to shoot the event, but New York's second biggest snow storm in history was in my way. In order to make it out there, I had to beat the snow.

So, I hopped on a bus at 1:30am and arrived in the city around 5am. That same night the blizzard began. The first show had already been pushed back a couple days due to the weather. After several back and forth emails, I was set to shoot the show on Monday night (2nd show). I gathered all my equipment and made my way to the venue.

I arrived there around 7:45-8pm and proceeded to ask for my press pass. Surprisingly, my name was no where to be found. I emailed the guy who I had spoken to earlier that week but I didn't heard back. An hour and a half went by and I received a phone call and was immediately let in. The people were looking for me on the wrong list, which is why they couldn't find my name. After all that was taken cared of, I was able to get in minutes before ASAP Ferg got on stage. The set began with a visual of ASAP Yam$ speaking and then the show began. Ferg was lit; performing all of his latest tracks and made sure the city was ready for G-Eazy's performance. Once G came out it was show time, I'm not gonna lie I kinda blacked out while shooting his set because I can't remember the three songs he performed but don't worry shots still came out dope.

After the first three songs I was escorted out and made my way to the pit and enjoyed the rest of the show as a fan. The performance lasted almost two and a half hours. It was one of the craziest shows I've seen to date. I've made hella missions to shoot G but they have been worth it. Enjoy the gallery and let me know what you guys think.